Banwave - December 23, 2021

Dec 23. 2021 Announcements


In continuation of our promise to crack down on the more nefarious activities demonstrated by some players, we’ve been continuing our work against RMT and abusers. 

Additionally, we know that this week has brought several controversies in regards to exploits and the impact they have on the game. These issues are the current priority and we have been able to permanently ban the following accounts today:

* RMT: 323
* Exploiter alt accounts: 10706
* Exploiter main accounts: 75

Please note that the above list is incomplete, as our investigations are still ongoing. Additional bans / suspensions will be given in the coming week(s) as we complete these investigations. We ask for your patience as we work on this though as the investigations can be complex and we must ensure accuracy.

We are taking a tough stance on exploitation and wish to remind you that if something feels unintended, it’s safer not to get involved if you wish to protect your account.

There is work ahead, but our aim is to create a fairer ArcheAge for all of you.